We come alongside you by providing diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging (DEIJB) training from an anti-racist, anti-oppressive lens.

Chidimma Ozor Consulting also does the following:

  • global inclusion strategy

  • organizational culture assessments

  • racial healing programming

  • research and evaluation assessments

  • leadership evaluation, training, and coaching

  • decolonization of academia including syllabi review and restructure

  • tutoring for the social work clinical exam

  • financial wellness and debt reduction consulting

We want our work together to result in you feeling empowered to facilitate difficult conversations, effect change, and build community more successfully.


Did you know culturally that we are at a crossroads? Things are spiraling out of control specifically in the way we choose to interact with one another. At times we charge out with anger, frustration deeply desiring that others hear us while we are unwilling to actually hear them. We have divided ourselves, we are “us” versus “them”. We give up easily and by avoiding having some heart-opening and difficult conversations we are unknowingly and unwittingly contributing to the lack of stability and inclusion.

Are you ready to hold the mirror up to yourself? We can help.



Find out about our organization,
mission, our methods, and the results of our advocacy, leadership, and teaching.


Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a client. We provide trainings, focus groups, consultation, evaluation and assessments, resources, and support as well as guided coaching.